Volkel - 13-15 juni 2019
Time for the 'classic' Open Days of the Dutch Airforce. FilmBart and I went to the arrival day and I went to the second showday with a friend.
The arrival day was as usual: a lot of landing planes, a few rehersals and a lot of fun.
I was really looking forward to the arrival of 2x F-4 Phantoms from Greece because it would be probably the last time I would see this plane flying.
The second showday (i skipped the first) me and a friend went with an excelent arranged bustrip to Volkel. It was as I am used to from the KLu, a good organisation and a good show.
Highlights were the soon to be MRTT (M-001?) tanker in fabric colors, 2 F-35's, F-16 formation and Hercules with flares.
I was also very glad the KDC-10 'T-264' did a sort of demo, it would be probably the last time I would see this plane before it would leave the Dutch Airforce.