Air Defender

Northern Germany - 14-16 june 2023


Airshow or exercise? For Bart and me it was very easy this year. The biggest NATO exercise ever was held in Germany. We went and visited 2 airbases. And a sightseeing bonus.

Day 1: Schleswig-Jagel

Schleswig-Jagel - 14 june 2023



On Tuesday we arrived at Schleswig in the evening.

Then on Wednesday we got our ebikes, got some food and went to Schleswig-Jagel Airbase. As soon as we arrived, we got our first Tornado, the one with the special exercise tail!



We found a nice spot near the runway for the rest of the morning. There we got some excelent shots of all landings and take-off's. 

In the afternoon we decided to go to another spot because of the direction of sun. We found out they would fly until late, which gave an awesome light on the landing aircraft. We got back to the hotel for some dinner and beer after a very good day.

Day 2a: Schleswig-Jagel

Schleswig-Jagel - 15 june 2023


Day 2 we planned to get some more at Schleswig-Jagel in the morning. The forecast was not really good, so we decided not to go all the way around the base to the spot of day 1. We stayed at the end of the runway, getting some different shots, including low level, gear up A-10's. Then we went back, returned the bikes, got our stuff and went to Rendsburg.

Day 2b: Rendsburger Hochbrücke

Rendsburg - 15 june 2023


After a short trip to Rendsburg, we dropped our stuff at the hotel and went for some sightseeing. Bart wanted to see the bridge up close. We also came across a completely overgrown Great War memorial.


The bridge itself, the Rendsburger Hochbrücke was up close even more inpressive as we found out there is a suspension ferry under it!

Going for a drink, we got hold of   

Schwartzwälderkirschtorte, the cake. And being there we saw 2 cargo ships going under the 42 meter high bridge.


An unexpected, but very good non-spotting afternoon, closed by dinner and a beer in the local hotel garden. 



Note: all shots are taken with a telephone, not with a digital camera. Also, not all shots are made by me, i borrowed some from Bart.

Day 3: Hohn airbase

Hohn - 16 june 2023


In the preparation phase of the trip, we did not know if we would go to Hohn for only F-15's. But the US Navy F-18's made us wanting to go.
No bicycles this time, we went by bus. And a bit of walking. And it was no disappointment!

The fence is really close to the runway the whole flightline was visible: 4 Typhoons, 8 F-18E's, F's and G's, 16 F-15's, 4 F-18C's and some change... A very great day!



After staying another night in Rendsburg, it was time to go home again.


It was a very good trip, I came home with 76 different operational militairy aircraft!
This trip goes into the top 5 trips ever. 


Thanks Bart for the organisation, the wonderfully stupid company, and the knowledge of the Veldleeuwerik (Skylark).

Comments: 2
  • #2

    Draggles (Sunday, 16 July 2023 22:40)

    Looks like a great trip and some awesome shots you got too :D

  • #1

    Suus (Sunday, 16 July 2023 17:01)

    Hier zitten wel een paar hele mooie foto’s tussen ��